Tetsugaku. International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan
Call for papers Tetsugaku Vol.1, 2017 Special theme: Philosophy and the University
We are experiencing today the worldwide phenomena of crises in both the humanities and the social sciences, crises to which Japan is also subject. In the face of this situation, we have decided to launch an international journal issued annually on its own website in the hope of meeting these crises through a new solidarity with philosophers and philosophical associations overseas as well as sharing our studies in philosophy worldwide. Philosophy has played an essential part in academics and education in universities, which were born in the medieval Europe, introduced into Japan and other Asian countries in the late 19th century, and are now spread all over the world. While the idea of a university has been discussed by many philosophers, including Kant, Fichte, W. von Humboldt, Hegel, Newman, Heidegger, Jaspers, Habermas and Derrida, our contemporary societies cast serious doubts on the ideals and roles of the university and philosophy. With this critical situation in mind, we invite academic papers on the theme of “philosophy and the university” for our new E-journal. The following questions, for example, can be asked. What is the situation of philosophy in the universities around the world today? How did philosophers examine the ideas of the university? What is the ideal form of a university from a philosophical point of view? What can and should philosophy do in and for the university? Deadline: 31 October 2016 Website:http://philosophy-japan.org/category/en/international_journal/
Guidelines for submission ・Articles written in English, French or German should not exceed 6,000 words and should follow the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of stylehttp://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html. ・All contributions should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using this TEMPLATE20151202. ・Articles should include an abstract around 300 words. Articles should be sent to < ejournal@philosophy-japan.org >
KATŌ Yasushi
President of the Philosophical Association of Japan
Professor of Philosophy at Hitotsubashi University/Tokyo